14 Fish Out of Water 2
A lamia clinging to the Nadeko-Illumi-Masaki canoe exploded, and Nadeko screamed.
Blood and viscera splattered against their boat. Everyone else looked for the source and saw a roughly thirty-foot-long lance kitsu extending from the preceptors’ canoe. It looked like a bolt of lightning, white as ivory.
Yuuki had funneled raiki into a kitsu synthesis weapon, which he held on to with both arms. A kitsu sequence had manifested the weapon, but it weighed as much as a thirty-foot wooden lance. One could wonder what inhuman strength Yuuki possessed. He could change the lance’s length at will and skiver the lamia from a distance.
Pluck! Splurge! Splat!
One by one, Yuuki impaled the vicious creatures. Unfortunately, they were more than a few. A live lamia replaced a casualty almost immediately.
The canoes had slowed down to a drift.
A large lamia jumped onto the Shigeo-Akako-Kento canoe.
Click! Cackle! Snap!
The young ones hurled themselves to the opposite deck, avoiding the creature’s snapping jaws.
Kento realized that no amount of taekkyon ability could put down such a beast. He looked around and saw Shigeo hiding in a corner. Kento considered jumping off the canoe.
Akako took a forward step, formed a fistful of kitsu, and punched the lamia on its head.
The beast clicked and cackled, momentarily disoriented.
Flip! It hopped into the air once and landed on the boat.
Thump! Splash! The impact levered the canoe to a slant, throwing Kento and Akako into the water.
Meanwhile, several small lamia had already clung onto the Nadeko-Illumi-Masaki canoe.
Kento was underwater.
Swish! Gurgle! While being twisted and turned by the river torrent, he looked around and saw two large shapes approaching him in the water. Kento had never imagined he would ever be in mortal danger. He had been raised as a Prince. Right then, all his delusions had come crashing apart.
The cold, freezing water somehow made him come to terms with death. It was easy to give in and give up.
‘This is the end,’ Kento concluded.
Three events happened simultaneously and at blazing speed.
Splash! Lieu……